Looking for a metal sculptor

Hi, I am not only a member of Orchid, but a Goldsmith and a gallery
owner. I take work on consignment and pay my artists monthly
(checks go out on the first WED of every month when there are
sales). I’m looking for a metal sculptor. Large pieces. This may
or may not be the place to look for such people, but I hope that
some of those, who are in OHIO, know sculptors who may want to show
me their stuff.

My gallery has been around for two years, we are in a “trendy” area
of Cleveland, and we sell. Anyone interested can e-mail jpeg’s of
their work to me, or stop in. Our address is 2173 Professor Ave.
Eye Candy Gallery (I know, it sounds like an eyeglass shop or a porn
place, but we have art created by NE Ohio artists and it’s really
nice! No imports!) PLEASE contact me if you know anyone who may be
interested in exhibiting their work. Our web page

Thanks so much!