Alan Revere will give a PowerPoint lecture, open to the public, on
the Art of the American Jewelry Design Council in Rochester, New York
on September 27:
The AJDC is a non-profit educational organization founded in 1990,
composed of recognized leaders in jewelry design. The group is very
influential and the rest of the industry closely watches the work of
AJDC members who often pioneer trends and styles and dominate
industry design competitions.
Each year AJDC chooses a design theme for which members create
one-of-a-kind jewelry objects that are not for sale. The projects are
meant to stimulate both the artist and the viewer to think beyond
common limits and elevate jewelry expression to the realm of fine
art. Join Alan Revere, president of AJDC in a visual tour of over 150
pieces from the AJDC collection. Alan intersperses technical
and commentary on individual works as he guides the
viewers through an inspirational tour at the limits of jewelry
Rochester Institute of Technology
School for American Craft
1 Lomb Memorial Drive
Building 7a
Room 3600
Rochester, NY
Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, Inc.
760 Market Street
Suite 900
San Francisco
California 94102