
I’ve written to a few prominent metalsmiths on this question and have
received no response. Now I’ll try this forum.
My question is this: Is there a better way, other than hard solder,
of laminating a sheet of 18ga. platinum and 18ga. 18ky?

This laminate is going to have to take a lot of abuse and manipulation, so I
don’t want any separation. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Dna

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I’ve written to a few prominent metalsmiths on this question and have
received no response. Now I’ll try this forum.
My question is this: Is there a better way, other than hard solder,
of laminating a sheet of 18ga. platinum and 18ga. 18ky?

This laminate is going to have to take a lot of abuse and manipulation, so I
don’t want any separation. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Dna

I wish I knew what it is that you are trying to build. I don’t think that I
would try to solder the sheets together. Perhaps I would cast one or both
both parts working out some type of bi-metal casting. Occaisionally, I do
some 18K/platinum mokume. No solder there. Simply fuse the gold to the
platinum. Roll, twist, hammer or whatever from there.

Bruce D. Holmgrain
Snail Mail: POB 7972, McLean, VA 22106

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Thanks for responding to my question. I really enjoyed your response to that
young upstart the other day. It’s amazing what some bench guys “know”. I’ve
been at the bench for quite some time and it’s frustrating to realize how
much I don’t know. My apprentice ( or I guess I should say assistant) have
this on-going discussion about who is learning more from who. I consider
myself blessed with whom I have been able to work with and for in my career.
Jewelers that are on an ego trip and treat everything they know as
proprietairy really get my goat. Well enough of that.

I’ve done some mokue before but none with platinum in it. Is there any
suggestions for treating this differently that normal mokume. I’m not rich,
so I’m a little hesitant to make a mess of this. Any help you can offer will
be greatly appreciated.

Bruce Holmgrain wrote:

I wish I knew what it is that you are trying to build.

I’m making twisted 2 tone drop earings. I’m gypsy setting some pretty good
size melle into is and dropping a big oval ruby cab off it.

I don’t think that I

would try to solder the sheets together.

I did with a section of sheet and on cooing the 18k cracked.(yippee) 1
lesson relearned.

Perhaps I would cast one or both

both parts working out some type of bi-metal casting.

If the mokume doesn’t work I’ll have to.

Occaisionally, I do

some 18K/platinum mokume. No solder there.

This is what I’m trying to do. Help. I’ve worked with Hiroko and Eugene
Pijinowski in the past and have not been able to track them down lately.
Steven Kretchmer is one of those guys that I mentioned earlier(although he is
really a nice guy)

Thanks again for your help and hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.
Dave Armstrong

P.S.- I enjoyed your web site. I’ll send you the address of mine when it’s

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