what are the best magazines about jewelry?
Opinions, please.
G. Coelho de Moura
Campo Formoso, Bahia, Brazil
what are the best magazines about jewelry?
Opinions, please.
G. Coelho de Moura
Campo Formoso, Bahia, Brazil
Now called “Jewelry Arts ad Lapidary Journal”–old issues are just
knownas “LapidaryJournal” for all around great and for
sheer beauty “Ornament” _Includes other high end crafts as well as
jewelry(I am not sure if it is still being published.)
Elegant Insects Jewelry
Ornament is indeed still being published!
So, my list:
Art Jewelry
Jewelry Artist/Lapidary Journal
MJSA Journal
Craft Arts International (inclusive: metals, clay, architecture,
fiber, glass. beautiful publication)
Linda Kaye-Moses
I prefer jewelry magazines which have several projects in them, so I
subscribe to
(1) Art Jewelry magazine,
(2)_ Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist_ (formerly Lapidary Journal
– used to have a greater emphasis on lapidary articles; I once
stopped subscribing, but now the emphasis has swung back to
jewelrymaking, and I re-subscribed),
(3) Step By Step Wire Jewelry (nice, simple projects, little use
of the torch, some useful ideas; I often think of dropping my
subscription because of the simplicity, but it’s not very expensive
and some projects would be good for students),
(4) Ornament (like Sandra, I subscribe because of the sheer
beauty; it seems to me that there is a greater emphasis on jewelry
than formerly; this not a “project” magazine).
I regularly buy Belle Armoire Jewelry. It’s full of trendy
projects and new ideas. The content is rather uneven – some of the
project write-ups are totally inadequate, if not also inaccurate. But
the pictures are usually helpful. (Don’t confuse this with Belle
Armoire or Belle Armoire’s Jewelry Affaire; if you like
rhinestones, the latter might be of interest to you.)
Happy reading!
Judy Bjorkman
There are a bunch of Lapidary Journal/Jewelry Artist back issues on
eBay now.
my mags for keeping “in touch” only 2 in no particular order. French
and Italian Vogue, most of the time the jewellery and accessories are
Beautiful and Wearable. Unlike SNAG
Richard Xtines