Jewelry consignment followup

This is a thank you to all those who responded Justin Kinney’s
inquiry regarding jewelry consignment. I believe there was some who
misunderstood his letter. These are the facts. The consignor wrote
the contract herself, she was not a consigning jeweler attempting to
sell her work in our store. We acquire ins. to cover everything in
our store incl. consignees property. It was not until the robery
that we discovered that the ins. salesman had sold us the wrong
policy, he had actually written it up as a "novelty’ store. That is
why we had to go to errors and omission ins. who denied the claim.
We have since consulted an atty. to rep. us; according to Indiana law
since ownership of the consignees property does not pass to store
owner they are required to carry their own ins. The consignee was
never “treated badly” by the store owner as was insinuated in one of
the responses posted. After much investigating we now have our
insurance through Jewelers Mutual, the thieves are in jail awaiting
trial and we are much more knowledgeable. Thank you to all who
responded. Robin Kinney

Have you investigated whether you have a case against the insurance
salesman? David Barzilay, Lord of the Rings