Next week I will be in Seattle for a too-short time and will have
one day (Thursday, Nov. 29) to explore. Any galleries or other
jewelry attractions that I should not miss besides Facere? I’ll be
staying in Bellevue but will have a car.
Thanks, Beth
Next week I will be in Seattle for a too-short time and will
have one day (Thursday, Nov. 29) to explore. Any galleries or
other jewelry attractions that I should not miss besides Facere?
I'll be staying in Bellevue but will have a car.
If you like, come and visit us at Goldmine Jewelry. We are a two
person custom jewelry workshop/store, 5 blocks west of Facere on
first and union. It would be fun to talk shop a bit and show you how
we play with our toys. John <@johnjuan>