IT- The other way, it to make the piece, solder on the findings with
the “IT”, THEN do the enamel work. This will works as long as the IT
solder is not where the enamels are to be placed. The formula is not
the kind that should have enamel placed over it. The melting
temperatures of the solder is high and if you are using enamels that
melt at 1400F then you will not have any problem with the solder on
the findings melting, since the temperature will have to be reached
that exceed the melting point of the IT solder. Once solder has
melted, then next time it is going to be melted, you will have to
apply more heat the second time around, thus increasing the
temperature of the melting point. You place all your findings onto
the piece before you do the enamel work. SO… if you want an
pendant with a jump ring on the top, you can place that jump ring on
the piece before you enamel. Source:
Product source: Untitled document
#IT – Melt: 1345 F – Flow: 1490 F
Notes 2: Source: 75%
silver braze: Melting point solidus 1365 to liquidus 1450 F
Silver 75%
Copper 22%
Zinc 3%
Tin 0.0%
Made from: 14 quarters, 1 dime, 5 pre 1982 cents, 1 post 1982 cent,
no tin
Good luck,
K. David Woolley
Fredericton, NB