Hi! i do lots of mold making and casting. It is also critical to my process at times to be able to continue carving wax models after the molds been made, like a second draft. I have these found objects I make molds of, and I use my wax injector with the Freeman Carvable Purple Injection Wax, but its so gummy to carve. If i use any burrs on it (say, to create a seat for a stone) its frustrating to work with and the wax comes off in gooey chunks. I understand why (viscosity, flow, etc), but I wonder if I could mix in say a purple hard wax to lower the gumminess a bit? Has anyone had any success making an injection wax more carve-able?
I could’ve sworn I was using an injector at a jewelry studio where the wax they had in there casted to a more sheer-when-thin and brittle finish, as if someone had been adding ferris wax. Nervous to try it myself or what ratio I might do
I’ll be curious to see anyone has found an injection wax that is also excellent carving wax. I’ve never found one. The best I’ve ever found is what you’re using, the Freeman purple wax and it’s not great. I don’t have an answer for you, but I agree!
Hey! So I added a little ferris purple carving wax- scraps. Its roughly 80/20 or 85/15. Made a huge difference in gumminess and its still injecting nicely. Highly recommend.
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Good thinking! I’ll have to try that. Thanks for the tip!