Introducing - Jay Nicholas Whaley

Jay Nicholas Whaley
Whaley Studios
San Diego, CA. USA

Starting in the lost wax casting process in 1968 in high school, I
continued studying jewelry making at Ariz. State Univ., doing
free-lance silversmithing to supppost myself through college. I began
teaching silversmithing in 1976 in Scottsdale, AZ, and in 1979,
moved to Maui, HI as a full time goldsmith and part time instructor
at an art school there. In Hawaii, we metalsmiths learned to make
our own metal stock with a rolling mill and drawplates, as getting
stock from the mainland was too expensive and slow. In 1980, I moved
to San Diego, CA, and in 1980, began as a jewelry instructor at
UCSD’s Craft Center, where I continue to teach. Currently I teach
classes, do custom work for clients and develop and market jewelry
making tools and products.

Hello Mr. Whaley,

I noticed from your Orchid post that you are in San Diego. My name
is Vic Davis, and I am a recruiter in the jewelry industry. I help
repair and custom jewelers and watchmakers find jobs. Being that
you are in San Diego, I am working on a new assignment for a skilled
repair and setting jeweler with a very good client company of mine
and was wondering if you might know of someone whose abilities you
respect that might appreciate hearing about a nice job opportunity.
If so, please feel free to contact me:

Vic Davis
Vic Davis & Associates, Inc.
866-650-6400 (toll-free)

Thank you Mr. Whaley.