I wanted to let all the ArtCam jewelsmith 2008 users know that
FINALLY there is GREAT support and help available for the product.
John Stewart, a long time instructor on ArtCam Jewelsmith has
launched a new site where he will be posting videos and offering
training on this latest and some previous versions. As any of you
know that use the software, Jewelsmith 2008 has hardly any
documentation available. I can attest that John is nothing less than
a GREAT trainer! If he can teach me… he can teach anyone!! give his
site a look at http://www.goldsmithcadcam.com John is a great jeweler
and actually uses the software in his own shop. This does make a
difference when you are being trained.
I’m just a user! I don’t sell the product nor will I be making any $$
from this e-mail… I’m just excited that there is finally some help
on the way for all of us ArtCam Jewelsmith users!!!
DeArmond Tool
(806) 381-8898