Hi, You all have been very good about giving on what to
see when away from home. Need you help again. We are going to
Collins, Co. and where do I go and what do I see, and what galleries
do I go to. My husband will be working for 2 days, what is around
the area? Thank you again, Jill
Dear Jill, I’ve heard about a jewelry shop that you might want to
check out. I believe it’s in a shopping mall and I know they carry
high-end designer jewelry. Here’s the Jewelry Emporium,
215 E. Foothills, Pkwy A-7, Fort Collins, CO 80525.
Hi Jill, I’m glad to hear that you will be visiting Colorado. Fort
Collins is a beautiful town and home of Colorado state university.
CSU is the primary teaching institution for advanced metalworking in
the state. If Nilda Getty is still running that department you may
try contacting her. She is a incredibly talented artist and metal
smith. The school is also the home to a large collection of books
belonging to COMA (colorado metalsmiths association)as well as their
own library of books relating to jewelry and the metal arts. COMA has
a web site you may want to check out www.coloradometalsmiths.org .
This site has an open forum and the members will be more than happy
to help you. I also have a few phone numbers for people that could be
more help. Feel free to give me a call and If you are interested in
those numbers.
John Sholl
J.F.Sholl Fine Jewelry
Littleton Colorado (about eighty miles south of Fort Collins)