I wonder if Orchid really gets the recognition it so rightly
deserves. I know that we who have been here for quite a while
understand the value to us, but there is far more than we see.
Yesterday at Jay Whaley’s Rolling Mill Workshop, a student came in.
I did not recognize her or her name, so introduced myself. She asked
me if I was the Terrie on Orchid who signs Hugs. I said yes, and now
here is the hug.
She smiled and told me that she reads Orchid every day, and has
learned so very much from the freely given posts. She felt she did
not have much to post, so she simply “lurked.”
These are the people who are benefiting, but we are unaware of how
much of what we share here on Orchid is of value to them. Perhaps we
need to find a way to reach out to all Orchid readers, and invite
them to participate, tell us online what worked for them, and ask
some questions we will be happy to answer.
At times we may appear to be at odds with one another, and that may
be a bit of a risk to a new poster. It is very important for us to
respectfully disagree, but with humor, and make certain we are not
Right here and now, this is an invitation to those who read Orchid,
and have not yet posted, to do so. We would like to welcome you and
your words and questions, take the time to test the waters here,
they are warm and welcoming.
I made a new face to face friend yesterday with one who knew me, but
didn’t. Now I know her as well.
During the Workshop I overheard Jay speak of how long Jewelers were
somewhat secretive of what they knew. I popped in and said “Orchid
is directly responsible for changing a lot of that.” It is so very
true, so much was a mystery before Orchid opened doors and allowed
open sharing of “secrets.” For that I am eternally grateful. I also
value the many friendships I have developed right here on Orchid, and
at Orchid gatherings.
To Hanuman, Ton, Charles, et al, A Giant Bear Hug with my sincere