Importance of Computerization in Jewelry Industry

Hello All,

The most important achievement in the last few decades, which has
changed our lives and is yet to deliver many unexpected developments
in the next century, is the revolution in technology.
IT has not only redefined the way people do business but also the way
people live, exchange the way they react in the world
and more is yet to come in the next millennium. There is hardly any
field left which is yet to see the light of technology be
it culture, arts, education, sports, business or any occupation,
which comes to your mind. Today the potential of any business is
measured in terms of its IT resources and in the near future, to
think of any business procedure without computers / IT would be
termed as obsolete and out of the world.

As far as India is concerned the jewelry business has not touched
computerization much. I would be interested to know how much
IT/Computerization has influenced Jewelry Business around the world.

Thanks & Regards!

Gopal Mahajan