When looking at cabs in catalogs, I see Lapis Howlite or
Torquoise Howlite. What is the “Howlite” ?
Thanks in advance
Bob B
When looking at cabs in catalogs, I see Lapis Howlite or
Torquoise Howlite. What is the “Howlite” ?
Thanks in advance
Bob B
When looking at cabs in catalogs, I see Lapis Howlite or Torquoise Howlite. What is the "Howlite" ?
As far as I know, Howlite is a cheap stone which is dyed to look
like lapis or turquoise. Usually the color is extremely vivid.
Hey Bob,
Howlite is a very pretty stone - primarily white with black
veining - don’t know which family it belongs to…anyway many
wholesalers dye it to look like turquoise, lapis, and a number of
other stones.
It fades after a while.
Nina - Silver Design, 9122 S. Federal Hwy, Suite 249,
Pt. St. Lucie, FL. 34952 : Toll Free:1-888-460-1800
URL: http://www.nina-sd.com : Email: @Nina
When looking at cabs in catalogs, I see Lapis Howlite or Torquoise Howlite. What is the "Howlite" ?
Howlite is hydrated calcium silico-borate, a white, soft
material (about 3-1/2 hardness) sometimes with grayish lines
through it, and found in nodules from walnut size up to boulder
The material you refer to is also called “Tidy-Bowl turquoise”
and is made by dyeing the howlite with TidyBowl ( a blue toilet
bowl cleaner).
If anyone wants to get a nodule, let me know.
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| http://www.bovagems.com/eclectic/ |
Carol, I should like to have a chunk of howlite. Please contact
me at @lelrod with a phone number or call me at
1-800-792-7573. I am here 7:30 to 4:00 pm Central Time on M-F
Lewis Elrod