Hi Jude, You should check out Arline Fisch’s book “Textile Techniques
in Metal”…it includes knitting, crocheting, and other techniques.
Incredible book…good luck with your work!
Catherine Chandler
Hi Jude, You should check out Arline Fisch’s book “Textile Techniques
in Metal”…it includes knitting, crocheting, and other techniques.
Incredible book…good luck with your work!
Catherine Chandler
There is a chapter in my book on crocheting a 5 loop bracelet.
Professional Goldsmithing (ISBN 0-9651049-0-7) includes complete
step-by-step instructions and 17 sequential photographs of the
Professional Goldsmithing
by Alan Revere
Hardcover: 226 pages
Publisher: Revere Academy Books; 4th edition (January 1991)
Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts
760 Market Street - Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94102
tel: 415-391-4179 fax: 415-391-7570
web: http://www.revereacademy.com
email: alan@revereacademy.com