Hobby metalsmith trying to recycle scrap/filings

Hi all,
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Lots of health issues and a move across country to Southern California have happened in that time.

I no longer make jewelry to sell as I did for 12 yrs. I am just making things at my garage bench for myself to pass the time and keep my fingers nimble.

I have some scraps, messed-up pieces etc that that I would like to cash in. The problem is that I cannot find a single refiner or supply company that will do business with a hobby meralsmith/jeweler. I do not have a business license (and I didn’t before either!) and I have no intention getting one. I used Rio Grande for a decade without any issues (buy and sell), But since I last sent my scrap in to them in 2021, they have changed their policy and they have even deactivated my buyers account!! I never qualified for a Hoover account and most definitely do not now!

I have zero problems providing information to meet the Patriot Act requirements, but every single place that I have looked into, including Elemental, require a State business license. I’m not spending a few hundred $$ just to get a certificate to get that same amount - or less- back from a refiner.

All of the local and national mail in “cash for gold/silver” places require what you bring/send in to be quality marked. And the ones that I have tried contacting to see if they take scrap from hobby metalsmiths/jewelers have not been very nice to me at all.

I melt my scrap into blobs for easy packaging - I have several oz of them, plus all the unwanted pieces I have no use for. I really could use the cash for medical expenses right now, and the amount I have here would easily add up to ~$300 dollars (based on what I used to get from Rio).

Does anyone know of any places (not Rio, Hoover and Strong, and Elemental) That will actually deal with a person that is a hobbyist?

As I am typing this, I’ve realized that all these recently instated requirements seem to mean that I can no longer make jewelry because I’m not even allowed to buy the supplies anymore! This is all kind of disheartening.

Any recommendations as to where I can try to sell my scrap?

Thanks in advance,

The so-called Patriot* Act applies in the U.S. You might look into having your refining done in another country. There will be cost issues (shipping, insurance, other?) but it may be better than nothing.

*Anti-Money-Laundering Act would have been a more logical name.

Neil A