Happy Thanksgiving to all

Hello, I posted something in Orchid digest and found out that one can
have so many friends without seeing them. After my jewellery stolen,
I did not participate in the discussions and I did not post anything
for a long time. But I am here, reading your posts and trying to get
back to my old self and trying to get my creativity back. Mostly I
look at Steve Walter’s carvings to sparkle this creativity again. I
have finished giving Gemology courses in Ankara. It was a 45 hour
concentrated course. I believe I was helpfull to the students. Very
soon I will start giving silk painting courses. For the time being I
cannot cut or carve a stone and I can only look at the jewellery
photos. I wish to everybody best of luck in the future. Kind regards
from Ankara, Turkey Oya Borahan