Hi all. Another Orchid member has been very generously helping me
with advice on a new(for me) technique. He has been doing this
off-forum, and the sum total of his emails would make a great article
on the subject. But it made me wonder yet again about all the great
off-forum advice Orchid members provide to each other that remains
unshared with the group as a whole.
I know that a lot of you who ask questions think you may be the only
one who cares about the answer. I believe this is absolutely not
true. I often find myself looking forward to responses to questions I
don’t even particularly care about. This whole process is so
incredibly fascinating and valuable, and can open so many doors.
I guess what I’m asking for is that all of you consider whether your
off-forum advice might be more valuable when kept on the forum for
all to share and learn from. I realize that this may not always be
possible or practical- just something to think about.
Allan Mason