Hi to all my Ganoksin friends,
I want to send a warm thank-you note to all who responded, both on
and off list. My home computer is down so I have limited computer
access until next week.
I would just like to say that I actually did make the designs for my
current collection (on display from March at the Gallerina Artcafe,
Israel) while in the shelter here at Moshav Avivim. I was alone
because there were hardly any civilians left, and I put my fears to
good use. First I imagined that I was in an Egyptian tomb, but then
I was pulled more towards Ancient Incan/Mayan designs. The result is
my current purist collection made entirely of glass beads - VIVE
COLOR! - with no metal used whatsoever. It really reflects my
magenta aura! Wild…
I think somebody on this list was looking for ways to get
inspiration…? :-)))
Keep shining - and thank you all again so much for your kind
assistance and generous replies,