I am going to a jewelry show in Canada. Should I ship my product with
Brinks or go through customs with everything at the airport?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in Advance,
I am going to a jewelry show in Canada. Should I ship my product with
Brinks or go through customs with everything at the airport?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in Advance,
It is common for folks in the trade to travel through customs with
their goods. Though you may find Brinks to be the easiest. To travel
through customs you basically have three options.
A-take the goods through yourself. Can be frustrating trying to work
through all the Harmonized Codes for your merchandise. They now
require country of origin on everything as well as country of
manufacture. For this, it will save valuable time to have the forms
filled out ahead of travel. Forms are available online here:
and then to work out the details of the Harmonized Code, see here:
B-arrange for a Carnet. A Carnet is like a passport for your product
For info for those in the jewelry trade, look hereā¦
C-contract with a customs broker. There are many. Consult your local
YellowPages to find someone - ask if they have experience with
jewelry as most of them tend to specialize in only a few areas. If
they are not knowledgeable, perhaps they can recommend someone in
their industry that can assist you with jewelry related products.
Both Brinks and FedEx and UPS can conduct the transfer of your
goods. Though I would say that Brinks has greater experience with
trade show scenarios.
Best of luck to you,
Roger Dery
Royal Oak, Michigan USA