Glass work

Dear Baker O’Brien, When your website starts? I am interested in
online glass tutorials if there is any. Or any help anybody can
give. I like to know how to melt the glass to make colourfull beads
without burning the house or myself and keeping the bead hole in
correct shape. Kind regards from Turkey, Oya Borahan

Hi Oya, Have a look at Wet Canvas. There’s a lot of tutorials there,
books available and lots of questions answered there. This is the
link, you’d have to join (free)

Also the international society of glass bead makers, same story.

I started glass bead making 3 1/2 mths ago and never had a class
until a few weeks ago. Some books and videos will get you started.
Not the cheapest thing to get into though! Be warned, it’s very
addictive! Cheers from Oz Maggie

Dear Maggie, Thanks for the links to glass forums. GLass work sounds
fascinating, but unfortunately, I do not have to room to take up
another technique. My “studio” is a corner of the enclosed back
porch. One day when I have more room, I will definitely get some
better equipment. Right now, I will have to be content with learning
to drill the holes in my found objects.

I see your posts quite often. In what part of “Oz” are you?

Elizabeth Gordon-Mills