Dear Orchidians,
I have begun carving waxes for a line of Silver charms/pendants. A
few will be made of white gold. Some will have moving parts. I want
wholesale to a chain of establishments that are not jewelry stores.
The idea is that this is a ‘line’ with my name on it.
Any ideas or suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated.
Here are some of my initial queries:
Anyone know someone who does lot casting in silver? I think these
lots will begin by the dozen of each. Anyone know who does lot
casting in silver and can also do white gold? Anyone know guestimate
pricing for this? I am in Washington, local is good but it is a mail
order world. Anyone know where to get this logo stamp made? I haven’t
decided whether I want my initials converted to a logo or to spell
out my name. I have CAD and could probably use it well enough to
make one and then send the STL to a mill/caster. Anyone know how
much this might cost as opposed to commissioning it over the phone
saying just put my name on it. Does anyone know who and how much?
I have no experience with designing/wholesale/en mass (I would also
do the selling). How would I determine the wholesale/retail prices
on what is to be a ‘designed by’ line? Should I do it by weight? I
am thinking along the lines of James Averey Designs. Would this
necessarily make a silver charm wholesale for more than one out of a
catalog? Or does that happen only after the name is established?
Thank you for any assistance you may have. Feel free to e-mail me
off board.
Jay Gaelen