Gender and jewelry, a feminist analysis

And it has little to do with attracting men. (as a happily married
woman, I certainly enjoy attracting my hubby. It's just that what
jewelry I wear really isn't a component of that.) 

Several comments on this thread that are similar - Alice’s is likely
the most complete. And everybody is right and wrong at the same
time, philosophically speaking from some POV.

It has been said that anytime a man talks to a woman he is trying to
seduceher - that works both ways, of course. Don’t take that
literally, take it in the context of the next statement: That it’s
been said that there is NOTHING in this world that can’t be traced
back to the only thing that really means anything - the propagation
of the species and the genesis of new life.

Yes, Alice and others have no conscious desire to attract new mates.
Neither do I, for that matter. That is a different thing from the
primeval programming that is in all of us that compels us to swim
upstream and spawn. That is unconcious, mysterious and ever-present
in us all.

Perhaps not. I don't recall ever being attracted to a woman
because of her jewelry. 

No, but, I will admit more than one occasion seeing women, (and a
few rare men) whose choice of jewelry struck me as being the perfect
compliment to the overall look and impression that they project.

To me, that usually denotes a bit more than the superficial. (I
don’t find “shallow” attractive…)

Ron Charlotte – Gainesville, FL

John- Good point. Though totally monogamous, I love the fine art of
flirting. My folks did as do my siblings, son and husband. It’s good
clean fun, keeps the blood and mind stimulated,and makes ourselves
and others feel attractive.

As for jewelry and attractiveness to the chosen gender of
desire… Though my daily uniform is jeans and t-shirts, when I
wear very nice things I feel attractive and powerful. That in turn
attracts others who like self confident and strong people.

You put a pair of $100,000.00 earrings on me and I stand up
straighter, I feel like a million bucks, feel very attractive and it
shows on my face and in my demeanor.

As my sweetie Tim says, “We make really expensive fishing lures.”
Have fun and make and wear lots of jewelry.

Jo Haemer

I may not be attracted to someone because of the jewelery they’re
wearing. However since I’ve been involved with stones & jewelery I
find I notice what folks are wearing a lot more often.
