Gem cutters dilemma

Hello group,

I have a customer that has approached me with an awkward request. He
has asked me to cut his emerald crystal cluster into gemstones but it
is without doubt the most beautiful specimen I have ever seen. This
stone from Muzo, Colunbia has provenance and appraisal papers and is
documented and published and I consider using it for rough to be a
thoroughly lamentable loss.

The owner of the crystal cluster has a 6 figure investment in this
stone which has been in his possession for over 10 years. He is
neither a stone collector nor a jeweller and only desires to realise
his investment with the sale of the cut stones. He has buyers for the
finished goods that I am confident can be recovered. He has tried to
offer the specimen locally but such an item is quite out of the
league of collectors he has approached.

I would prefer to forgo the quite generous cutting fees and retain a
clear conscience, at least as a gemcutter. I also do not need to be
part of any negotiations and will supply my customer’s contact
details in order that any prospective new owners may arrange matters
directly with the owner.

I would sincerely appreciate any help that would get me out of this
dilemma. Please contact me off list

Thank you, Tony.

Tony, I am not a big stone/specimen collector myself but certainly
can appreciate the wonders that nature produces. It would be a
travesty to destroy such a capital piece. Unfortunately, if you
decline to cut the piece, the owner will probably just look around and
find someone who does not have your character.

I have a few questions. Has the owner looked elsewhere to find a
buyer for the specimen such as on the internet? What about checking
with various museums? Often museums have people in the wings who are
willing to purchase items for donation. Certainly, if he has had the
piece for 10 years a quick sale cannot be all that important. I would
encourage the owner to expand the search for a buyer of the piece as
it is and impress on them how important it is to keep it as is.

Where are you located? I am in South Florida and we have a wonderful
little museum here, the Graves Museum of Archaeology and Natural
History that would love to add such a specimen to their collection.
What we need is to find a sugar daddy/mommy. I will show them your
message and see if they know of a buyer.

Don at The Charles Belle Studio where simple elegance IS fine

tony -

egad, if you decide to do the cutting i have some suggestions for

  1. pay up your life insurance.

  2. move to another part of the country without telling the client.

  3. do not drink any coffee or engage in ‘fun’ activities for the 6
    months preceding the cutting sessions.

  4. inhale a few seconds after finishing the marking job & exhale only
    after removing the last stone from the dop. (the quickest way i have
    found for every stone removal - especially opals & transparent fancy
    cuts - is sticking them in the freezer for a few minutes - or days, no
    problem) - no wax left.

  5. tell the client to contact a higher end auction house - there are
    several online - to sell it for him. or you do it for a fee. good

  • ive

Tony, Re your earlier post concerning the cutting of a capital
emerald specimen…I talked with our museum’s Director and he seemed
interested and said he would bring the matter up with the board.
Unfortunately, the museum just finished a major symposium and special
event to promote the coming out of Bambiraptor (a small dino more like
a bird) and when it was over…they were about 300K in dept. Any $
that comes in will have to cover that problem first.

Meanwhile, what ever happened? Did it get cut? Did you convince the
owner to keep it whole? Just courious. Cheers, Don