The Ganoksin Project
S i n c e 1 9 9 6
Jewelry Manufacturing Methods and Techniques
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 18 September 2004
Ganoksin preserves SNAG early technical papers
The Ganoksin Project ( and SNAG (The Society of
North American Goldsmiths) has agreed for its Metalsmith Papers to be
archived on Ganoksin’s website. Founded in 1969, SNAG now boasts
more than 3600 active members, its flagship magazine, Metalsmith
which reaches abut 7000 subscribers and an annual conference held in
different cities each year.
The Metalsmith Papers were research presentations, each given at a
SNAG Conference, during 1977-1980. Aided by a grant from the
National Endowment for the Arts, they were published in 1981 as a
single volume called, “The Metalsmith Papers”. “Metalsmith Magazine”
was being published concurrently.
The historic papers range from safety issues, tools technology and
practical procedures in the field of metalsmithing.
Dr. Aspler states, “We are thrilled to have Ganoksin act as a
virtual custodian for this important part of metalsmithing history”.
SNAG executive director Dana Singer said, “It was inspirational of
Dr. Aspler to not let these papers like fallow. Their relevance
endures nearly twenty-five years later and we re pleased to make
them so easily accessible through the Ganoksin archive”
The Ganoksin Project ( is the largest virtual
single source for searchable archived content for jewelry
and metals in the world. Its 5200 Orchid members foster sharing,
support community, enhance productivity and encourage studio safety,
by promoting education in the jewelry and metal arts worldwide.
For More Information contact:
Dr. E. Aspler (Hanuman)