(Fwd) Hi Again

Forwarded Message FollowsDate: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 07:56:04 -0600
To: service@ganoksin.com
From: “Louisa B. Johnson” thepooka@cp.duluth.mn.us
Subject: Hi Again

Hi everybody,

If you remember, I was subscribed a while back. I’m the artist
who sketches canine headstudies. I unsubscribed for a while to
play catch-up with my work - so now I’m back.

Just wanted to tell everyone that I enjoy this list & look
forward to learning. And for the interested parties out there,
we added a new member to the gaggle - a retired racing greyhound.
And yes, he’s starting to bounce already - you can’t live with
Irish Setters and not bounce.

Louisa & a Gaggle of Irish Setters, a Greyhound being
Setterized, & One Deaf Brit

Louisa B. Johnson - thepooka@cp.duluth.mn.us

Visit The Pooka’s Canine Head Studies at our Web Site:

           Reasons for Living in Duluth, MN
Mustard is Considered a Controlled Substance

Just wanted to tell everyone that I enjoy this list & look
forward to learning. And for the interested parties out there,
we added a new member to the gaggle - a retired racing greyhound.
And yes, he’s starting to bounce already - you can’t live with
Irish Setters and not bounce.

Louisa: thanks for saving a greyhound, most aren’t that lucky…Dave

Art Jewelry for Conscious People