[FTP] [Meet] John & Jean

   / /
  / /      Johnb@ts.co.nz
 / /__|\
(_______)  In sunny temperate Mapua NZ -

Autumn’s here

Thank you John. I always read your messages for the wealth of
you so freely give. Now, I have a face to put with
the name and talent. Thanks again John for teaching the novice so
much through your wit and knowledge.


I am grateful to feel that I have “met” John Burgess through the
great picture. I have followed his posts and humor with great
respect and admiration. How nice to have seen him!

Bob B

G’day Nina; thank you for your kind comments, but I am sure
that there are persons on the Forum who deserve your remarks
better than I. (Peter Rowe frinstance?) Dunno what else to say!
But thanks, and cheers.

       / /
      / /      Johnb@ts.co.nz
     / /__|\
    (_______)  In sunny temperate Mapua NZ -

Autumn’s here and it was 3C last night