Hello Orchidland, I just got a flyer of new products from Rio
Grande. Hooray! They have fine silver bezel cups available. Some
time back several of us expressed the wish for them to be
commercially made. The wish has come true. Not only will these
little goodies make creating bezels easier, but they are great for
use with PMC. I’m making out my list and the next order to Rio will
bring me a nice variety of fine silver bezel cups. Thank you Rio.
Thank you Hanuman and Ton. Without this marvelous forum, the wishes
would have taken much longer to come true. Judy in Kansas, where it
is raining and making a lovely sound.
Judy M. Willingham, R.S.
B.A.E. 237 Seaton Hall
Kansas State University
Manhatttan KS 66506
(785) 532-2936 FAX (785) 532-6944