Good evening Orchidians, I was looking for a good source for 4"
diamond wheels. I teach lapidary and jewelry at our High School in
Tolland, CT. We go through the wheels much faster than I would like.
The kids use them well and take care of the equipment, they are
just expensive to replace each semester. We are also looking for
used jewelry making equip. and lapidary equipment. Can anyone help
with some good sources? Thanks in advance, Helen in CT. 3D &
Silver Thumb Studios
Hi Helen,
I was looking for a good source for 4" diamond wheels.
Try Diamond Pacific,800-253-2954. They make some of the best diamond
wheels in the business.
Another possible source is your local dispensing optometrist. Many
times shops that grind lenses for eye glasses have wheels get damaged
or contaminated by a large piece of grit. When this happens, they
can’t be used for grinding lenses, but are perfectly good for rocks.