Greeting all and warm wishes for spectacular 2008.
I am working towards taking my 20 stones exam at GIA and am looking
at many stones. GIA stopped selling their fiber optic light so never
though of buying one. Now, I am feeling that a more intense light
source will be very helpful and would welcome advice on fiber optic
lights. Which one to buy? Is 250 watt desirable (or 150 watt)? Is
there one that has a sodium light attachment? Anyone want to offer
advise on how to prepare for the 20 stone exam?
Best regards,
Lois Gore
Which one to buy? Is 250 watt desirable (or 150 watt)? Is there one
that has a sodium light attachment? Anyone want to offer advise on
how to prepare for the 20 stone exam?
Fiber optic light is useful from time to time but it is not
necessary for 20 stone test. Moreover, it can reveal the information
about the stone which can lead the beginner to a wrong conclusions.
The best way to prepare for the 20 stone test is always remember
that it is combination of all the properties of the stone which makes
identification possible. Do not concentrate on a single fact, no
mater how revealing it may appear. Always consider all the
observations about the stone as a whole. When all the facts would
point in a certain direction, that will be the right one.
Leonid Surpin.
U gave bought several fiber optic lights on ebay. Flexible,
positionable goosenecks, adjustable light intensity are useful. I’ve
paid 90-150 dollars for them.