Feeling a little overwhelmed

Dear Tamra,

Is your job in physics intellectually interesting, even though it’s
eating up most of your time? If so, I’d be slow to quit it.
Jewelrymaking is wonderfully visual and tactile, but (at least the
way I pursue it) it’s not as intellectually challenging as physics.
My “other field” is Assyriology, which has very little visual and
tactile appeal but is very challenging otherwise. So I get my
visual and tactile kicks from making jewelry.

Do you need the money your job provides? As I’m sure others will
say, it is difficult to make the kind of money in jewelrymaking that
you can make in a “regular” job, especially if you’re not interested
in the business aspect of it. Can you retain a part-time job in

Just some thoughts.
Judy Bjorkman

Is your job in physics intellectually interesting" 

Now, I find jewelry and holloware construction intellectually
interesting and challenging. How to put it together, what are my
options, what is going to give me the best and most beautiful fit.
To me, it is the “how do I get there” aspect.

Jennifer Friedman
enamelist, jewelry artisan, ceremonial silver, holloware