OK , all, I’m Sam Patania and I’m in Tucson organizing the Orchid
dinner Friday February 8th 2002. Dave Arens and I have been talking
about it for a while. I have been calling around different suppliers
soliciting funds to help defray the cost per member of this dinner.
Dave and I will start a checking account in the name "Orchid Dinner"
for which he and I will have to cosign checks and Dave has
graciously offered to pay the service charges. Any left over funds
will go to Ganoksin Project. Any of you out there planning to attend
this dinner or not are encouraged to help if you can. I would like
to have a silent auction or some fund raising mechanism for Orchid
at this dinner. I and my company will donate to both the dinner and
Orchid so my money is where my mouth is. Any donor will be highly
praised and noticed at this dinner. This dinner should be fun, live
music, no host bar, buffet so we can mingle- with food for
vegetarians and those who do not appreciate local Mexican fair. Write
me for more details and I will post as they come along.
Please put me down for $100. Let me know where I can send the
check. Dana Singer, the Executive Director for SNAG has asked to
attend the dinner as well. I would be glad to round up some funds
and excitement through the Metalwerx Enews.
Many thanks to you and Dave for organizing this event. I hope to
re-unite with many familiar faces and meet new ones as well. If some
of you are thinking of going to your first SNAG conference, June 12 -
14, check out their website at: http://www.snagmetalsmith.com/
See you in a few months!
Dear Karen, thank very much. You may send the check to me made out
"Orchid Dinner"
Sam Patania
3000 E. Broadway
Tucson, AZ 85716
My Phone # is 520-795-0086 if there are any questions. Again, Thank
you and I will be at SNAG for sure. I will put you and Dana down for
reservations. Sam
Please also put Cynthia Downs and Maggie Curtin. We look forward to
seeing you all again. I’ll send the check out next week when I get
back to Metalwerx.
Ahhh, finally, some time off.
Karen Christians
10 Walnut St.
Woburn, MA 01801
Fax: 781/937-3955
Accredited Jewelry Instruction
Hi Sam,
Count me in too… Check is in the mail. Can’t wait to see and put
faces on all the names…
Joan Dulla
I would like to be able to participate in the February Orchid
Dinner. Unfortunately by the time we break down in the evening, at
the end of the day’s show, and get the stones all into the vault, it
is usually 8 p.m. so we would get there basically for the after
dinner coffee.
I hope the “Orchidians” present at the shows will drop by our booth #
205 at the GJX, February 7 - 12th, and say hello.
If Ahem will be giving out the Orchid Buttons again this year, we
will be sure to have one on during the show.
Best regards, Robert Lowe, Lowe Associates - Brasil, **Gemstones,
Rough, Specimens Tucson - February 7 - 12, 2002 - GJX # 205 e-mail
Actually, I was thinking the same thing. This is only our second
show and it takes a bit of time to put away all of the product and
get it secure. I hate to miss seeing you guys.
Sam, how do you make it by 6pm?
JoAnna Kelleher
Pearl Exotics
Phoenix, AZ