[FAQ] Sharing files and pictures

Was: Drawing wire, getting burrs

Ok,Trevor, so here is a solution.
Go to Blogspot and open up a blog where you can show us some
pictures of your problems. Then, when Orchid sees the problem, I am
sure it would be solved in a few words. Making wire is not difficult,
as you well know. But a picture is worth a thousand words
Hans Meevis

How can I share files and pictures with the list?

If you feels to share files, like Self Pictures, Pictures of your
recent work, Illustration of various techniques and other related
material please feel free to use the Orchid FTP Server You may use
the gateway page or any FTP program to upload files

If using FTP agent here are the necessary configuration:

FTP Server: ftp://ganoksin.com/incoming/ganoksin/
Login Type: anonymous
Port: 21
Host address: ftp.ganoksin.com
Remote Initial Directory: /incoming/ganoksin/

Once the file was uploaded, please allow up to two hours to appear in
the public directory. The direct URL to the file is
http://www.ganoksin.com/ftp/file-name you may use this address in
your Orchid posts.