Dear Members,
I am hoping you possibly can answer some questions or put me in
touch with someone in this field of expertice.
I am a jewelry designer an american now living in thailand I AM
trying to find some unusual alloys to work in something no one else
is using in jewelry.
I have some ideas but dont know enough about alloys to do
experiments myself I would like to know of any experimental alloys
that maybe something I can work in that is unusual.
I would also like to know can palladium 950%5 ruthnium alloy be
mixed 58/42 with silver or 75/25 and still be called palladium ie
can I make a equvevalient to14kt 0r 18kt except palladium and silver
alloy. will this alloy be workable?
another question I know they are making purple gold by alloying with
aluminium but that it is brittle is there any metals i can alloy
with my palladium 950 and 5% ruthnium that will give me a workable
colored palladium?
Any info you have on this greatly appreciated also info on any
unusual alloys that maybe subtable for hand fabricating jewelry, not
casting. Anything unusual that is workable would give me ability to
compete in jewelry market with an unusual product
thanks kindly
kenneth Barnett