Perhaps some of the readers familiar with enameling could share
their wisdom on Johnson Matthey’s Blythe Enamels.
Just how acid and chemical resistant are the older transparent
Blythe enamels?
In particular, # 225 Green (date on package is 9 December 1975) & #
788 Blue (not dated on package …may be mid 1970’s too). My
original 1/2 kilo packages for #'s 225, 788 & 2092 indicate
transparent colors.
In Jeanne Werge-Hartley’s book she provided a very useful table of
technical on firing temperatures (attributed to Vitrum
Signum on pg. 162). However, I have an void when it
comes to chemical and acid resistance of these transparents; and I
am contemplating electroforming some Blythe enameled pieces.
As I recall; the following are probably 25 year old Blythe product.
Possibly someone knows of an old Blythe product profile similar to
that found in “Enameling on Precious Metals” with technical data on
temps and flow point for the following (not found in Jeanne’s book):
557 Purple
682 Green
684 Blue
1924 Blue
2174 Blue
3016 Brunswick Green K31
3040 Mauve A25
225 Green (date on package is 9 December 1975)
242 Chedron
788 Blue (not dated on package may be mid 1970's)
935 Red
1072 Yellow
2092 Gray Green (date on package is 5 Aug 1978)
1533 White