Electroplated with silver

I want to know if a gold object can be electroplated with silver and,if so,how.

    I want to know if a gold object can be electroplated with
silver and,if so,how. 

Sure you can electroplate gold with silver, I only wonder why you
would like to do that, I guess you might be planning to silver plate
only a portion of the item, in that case you have two options: one is
to cover the part of the design not to be plated with a non conductive
lacquer, immerse the piece suported with a cooper wire into a silver
plating solution, and after rising with destilled water, get rid of
the lacquer with the proper solvent. The second option is to use a
plating pen so you can aplly the silver coating direct and only in the
adecuate part. Anyway I would insit that if you want two colors, white
and yellow, on a gold piece you should consider rhodium
plating instead of silver.