I want to purchase an electric soldering machine for soldering jump
rings, mostly gold and mostly very small gauge wire 22 and under I
don’t need it for large production work just small scalestuff that I
do and sell.Does anyone have recomendations on which type is best for
my purpose (mostly small jump rings) There is a big
price difference in the 2 that Rio carries so I need advice.
Hello; I am retiring, and have an electric soldering machine with all
the parts, hardly used. I did use it for solding 18Kt. jump rings
that held 18Kt Plique-'a-jour pieces. Contact me if you wish to
save some money. Make an offer, probably about 1/2 the price in
any catalog, you pay shipping. Regards, Pat DIACCA Topp check out
the plique-'a-jour pieces on my web site.
Pat DIACCA Topp see:DIACCA.com for enamels, glass, awards, photo
restoration 709 W. 5th Street Marshfield, WI 54449 phone 715-384-2627