Just a moment in our preparations I want to say this, my blog is now one year old…whooppee! As of today, the total ‘hits’ are now 18,680. Never in my wildest dreams would I think that this blog would be used so often. Not only that, it has now gone to over 40 countries and still being seen every hour & day! I know that you are getting the benefit from my 61 years as a diamond setter and still going strong.
My Diamond Setting client has some spectacular “one-of-a-kind” creations coming to my bench in a few weeks. These will be made into essays on how each item will be created. All though he has used some setters in the past in this city, he saw just one ring that I did for him and it ‘sealed our relationship’. You, the readers will benefit from these new projects. One of them is going to be totally mind-boggling… he told me this last night. WOW &.OUCH!
Next week I will post a few insanely beautiful series of scanned photographs showing how Gemstone jewellery & setting was made almost a century ago. These were displayed in Toronto about 30 years ago and I bought that book to keep. The colour pictures and text descriptions are worth keeping for your archives.
Until then, my bench is off-limits during the first two days of our 8-day long, religious & festive Holyday! Enjoy your holidays…:>)