Durston guillotine alignment HELP

I had the Durston guillotine 300mm cutter and it was a great investment for the several years I had it. I lost my studio to a fire, and everything in it. I ordered a new Durston guillotine cutter, exactly like the one I lost. I have only had it a few months and cut only a few sheets of argentium, the thickest being 16 ga.

Now, it won’t cut. I contacted Rio, where it was purchased, and they tried to explain how to adjust the blade. My son came, and did what they said, and took out all the bolts to try to get it aligned. It still won’t cut.

I’m desperate to find out how to fix it. I can’t find anything online about adjusting the blades. It starts a cut, then it seems the blade hits the bottom plate and stops the top blade from cutting.

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee I need this piece of equipment. It is the one piece of large equipment I depended on most.

@durston is the man to chat with! He is also a sponsor here :slight_smile: