Due to floods Orchid will suffer interruptions

Please note: Orchid will suffer some interruptions in broadcasting
due to high floods in Thailand. We are now evacuating our first
floor. the floods are expected to hit our headquarter any moment
now, few blocks away from here homes are totally submerged already.

hanuman and ton

floods update: the water are just few miles away from us, we will be
surrounded from three directions by the running floods, we are
building 2 meters high sand bags dykes around the neighborhood,
which is a community effort and plain hard labor. We evacuated in
time the first floor of our home, raised the heavy furniture on
bricks and warped in plastics what we could not move. We are now
concentrated to the second floor of the house. A larger body of
water which travels at 10,000cu3/sec is expected here anytime in the
next few days.

Thanks for all who sent wishes, it is much appreciated.


Ganoksin floods

I wanted to post and express my deepest sympathies and prayers for
Ganoksin & Orchid. I am no stranger to flooding, as I lost thousands
of dollars of studio equipment, my entire library, and my entire
studio needed rebuilt after sudden flooding at the beginning of this
year. My husband and I woke at 5am to a very strange noise from the
heating vents to find 3 feet of water in our home, and the rain was
so heavy the waters were rising rapidly. My studio resides in the
entire basement of our home, so we suffered losses that felt
devastating at the time. Since we are not in a flood zone, the
insurance capped out at $5,000.00, barely covering the repairs to
the furnace system and the charges to have the house tiles cleaned.
(It was the city sewer system that clogged and backed up. All the
homes drain their rain water directly into the city main, which I
have learned is a pipe that is about 6 inches in diameter. The trees
around here are over 100 years old and drop their wheelie birds and
leaves filling up the main and clogging the system very easily during
a torrential downpour. It took three huge trucks to build enough
pressure in the lines to low them open so the neighborhood rain run
off stopped filling my house!

Our flooding occurred just after the crisis in Japan, so that
terrible event put our own troubles into a much different
perspective. Although my own losses were not nearly as devastating,
they were devastating enough for us.

Floods, fires & earthquake crisis are just horrendous events for
anyone to have to undergo and I pray with all my heart that Orchid
and Ganoksin headquarters are spared from extensive damages, although
from the notice I received it looks like you have already been
inundated with rising waters.

My heart and prayers go out to the entire Ganoksin/Orchid staff, as
well. I wonder that you are all dealing with rising waters around
your homes and will hold you all up in my prayers. My sincerest wish
is for the least amount of damage as possible.

My very best regards,
Teresa Perry