Richard wrote:
You may be interested I this book, which as I have detailed
below is outstanding…
James Marker of the GIA Library replied:
Would the group be interested in getting a ‘synopsis a day’ of
some gem- and jewelry- related books? The GIA Bookstore has a
large number available and I have the ‘OK’ to --snip-- them from
the catalog to send to Orchid, if people show interest.
If so, please let me know and I would be happy to provide one or
two of the following type of descriptions on a (more or less)
daily basis, I thought it might prove interesting, and if members
of the group have read them, they may want to discuss a book’s
relative merits.
Ruhle-Diebener-Verlag, 228pp, 1986
Classical techniques of raising, forming and finishing as they apply
to hollowware and flatware. Photos and working drawings. 1lb. 10oz.
0204093 $45.00
A Contemporary Guide to Traditional Jewelry Techniques
Alan Revere, 240pp, 1991
Renowned goldsmith Alan Revere shares his traditional European
training and his extensive teaching experience in this volume on
modern jewelry making. Numerous projects are detailed with quality
photographs. 417 color photographs and 150 line drawings. 3lbs. 1oz.
0204090 $69.95
Of course, if you want to order a copy from the bookstore, that
would be ‘OK,’ too!