Digital images and slides

One question you have to ask is, what the output resolution is. Most
of the less expensive slides are 2k. Depending on the size of your
file you want 4k or 8k. I have been using, they can do
8k slides.

They can also change the brightness, contrast or coloring if you

Warren Townsend

What are the possibilities of taking digital images…ie either
digital camera pictures or scans and having them converted to slides?
I know it’s possible as one can, for example, take powerpoint
presentations and convert them to slides for presentation use. Of
course, this may be becoming an outdated service as more and more
people use video projectors connected to computers.

My problem, earlier this year, was that I was trying to do slides of
a piece for a competition. The piece was in silver filigree (the
front piece on my web pages) with phenonomena stones such as
spectrolite and opal. I cannot get daylight bulbs in Norway, where I
live, and sunlight can be scarce at certain times of the year. When I
did get sunlight, it was difficult to get a balance between showing
the phenomenon in the stones which needed direct light, and not
washing out the silver from too much sunlight. I had a much better
result by scanning my piece on a flatbed scanner. Is there a
resonably priced service out there in the USA to convert such
digital images to slides?

Best regards,
Jeanne Rhodes Moen
Kristiansand, Norway

On a related topic, my husband did an art lecture using digital
images and a digital projector. I’d made a Powerpoint presentation
for him, and we rented a projector. It looked terrible! The colors
shifted dreadfully and it was pretty dark. After that we decided to
get slides made from the digital images, expensive though it was.
Based on our experience the digital projectors are not a viable
alternative, at least for things where color is important.

Janet Kofoed

    Well, it would be correct if you were using print film as
opposed to slide film.  Slide film is the slide...there are no
intermediary  steps and thus you have a first generation product of
the highest quality and quite inexpensively. The convenience of
digital images is not to be denied,  however film is still the best
way to produce a top quality slide, to  my knowledge. Marianne 

Correct, Marianne. And if the original is a color negative, a
“slide”, which is just a print (made on film) from the negative, can
be made. That’s how they make all of our movies! Absolutely no need
to go through the internegative etc. etc. bit.


I just bought a 5.0 meg. digital camera and have been surprised at
the quality, but it does not quite compare to 35mm. slides as far a
clarity goes, but digital is the easier way if you are going to send
images by internet. That is the only reason I bought one. Thanks

Hi Everyone,

I’ve got a Sony Cybershot 5 megapxil camera and I LOVE it. I use it
all the time and have had slides made with good results. There’s an
8 megapixil Cybershot coming out in December, I’ve heard conjecture
that 5 megapixil will go down in price to about $795. from $995. As
far as inexpensive slides go check: (be
careful, I’ve been warned that is porn) A
friend has used and is thrilled with the results.

–Shahasp Valentine
precious metal clay jewelry artist

Hi all,

I have been trying to follow all the posts about making slides from
digital images and I am too new to the digital world to follow all
that is being said.

We just purchased a Canon G-2 which shoots in 4.0 mega pixels. When
you all talk about the kind of resolution one needs to make a
reasonable slides I don’t understand how to convert that to talking
about dpi or 2K, 4K etc. Are you talking about the way the files are
saved, sent, shot to begin with?

I would like to understand those terms even though I’m not sure how
much I will use them. Mostly I assume I will continue to send my
enamels off to my photo guy to have them shot with a traditional SLR
and use the digital camera to shoot and touch up shots for my web
site and the book I carry to shows to show customers my work.


It is so much easier to use an older Nikon or Canon 35 mm camera
take the pics with Kodak Ektachrome for tungsten light if your just
using light bulbs then you can easily copy your slides to digital but
going from Digital to Slides is difficult and expensive not to
mention you image will be degraded. I have used a 1 gallon
translucent milk jug and a large Rubbermaid cake server with a hole
cut out at the top for my lens. In place of the much touted Cloud
dome, Even used one of them at a friends house, All in All I’ll take
my old Nikon F2 and my Vivatar 55mm micro focusing lens and kick some
serious tail on nearly any digital redone slide. Slide copiers for
the better digitals are priced reasonably. Probably cheaper than
getting a handful of slides done from Digital Media and you still
have the best of both worlds, My light diffusers may seem a bit odd
but the milk carton is the easiest and they work with just about any
light source just use the right film,

Hi Janet, Today, I was at Dorian Color Lab (local for me, but they
also operate on-line at, picking up some slides
that I had developed, and I asked what size file is recommended to
make a slide from a digital file. They said that they recommend 12
megabites for a good image. That is huge! So, I stand by my
statement that it is best to make slides from slide film. You asked
about price. They charge $8 for the first slide, and $5 each for
more slides.


Ken, Can you more specifically explain how you use the milk jugs as
diffusers? Thanks,

Stephen Brisken
Dancing Yak Studio
155 Kara Lane
McKinleyville, CA 95519
(707) 826-9274

Cindy and Janet,

I have been back and forth between the digital vs. slide. One of my
friends does everything on digital, and cleans it up in photoshop,
etc. I spoke to my photographer, Robert Diamante, who does some work
in digital and some in slides. He feels that the two technologies
are not far from merging, however, he feels, as I do, that the
quality of light on an object is still superior in slide format than

This leads into another discussion, which is doing your own
photography vs. a professional. Some metalsmiths who do their own
photography are quite good at it, such as Cindy Eid. For me, I am
not that good at it, nor want to take up what little time I have in
doing my own slides. I don’t do my own taxes either, I have a
professional take care of that as well, nor would I expect my CPA to
make jewelry.

From another post on Orchid, I checked out
This is an inexpensive alternative for slide duplication from print.

Locally, I agree with Cindy, in the Boston area, Dorian Color Lab
is a good place. I can plop my film in the mail, and it arrives
three days later. My slides and duplicates look great. You don’t
have to live here to have them develop your work.


Milk jug and other setups for photography are mentioned in my
article at the ganoksin project at:


Charles Lewton-Brain/Brain Press
Box 1624, Ste M, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 2L7, Canada
Tel: 403-263-3955 Fax: 403-283-9053 Email: @Charles_Lewton-Brai1


Each slide imaging place has different requirements for the dpi and
file format just as the price varies from place to place. I’ve used
one place that required a minimum of 32mgs of data per image in tiff
or psd format (i.e. 2700 dpi), another only required 900 pixils at
the widest and in jpeg format.,,
