to all - I am wondering how everyone else through out the continental
USA prices thier diamonds for sale to the public ? here in Columbus
Ohio most people use the rapapport sheet to buy and sell. Last months
end saw a rise in prices on the rap sheet which i expected as it
seems to have been awhile that the prices had been holding, and, now
it seems that the PERCENTAGE discount from the dollar amount on the
rapsheet that my suppliers are offering has changed. It seems that
when buying egl usa or GIA certified round brilliant cut diamonds
G-SI -1 and better goods they are not available at 35% - 40% off of
the rap sheet as they were even 3 months ago, it seems that all of a
sudden this past week saw G-SI - 1 and better goods instead available
at 10% - 20% off the rap sheet
My questions are not meant to be a complaint i am gratefull to have
goods available and relationships that are good for business. my
questions are more intended to increase my own and hopefully others
awareness to the current business climate, (i promise to NOT quote
websters if anyone would care to reply) - goo