Detecting quality

Hi Will, If any reader doesn’t understand your wonderfully cogent
expanation about bronze casting - which applies equally to one-off
jewellery casting - then I guess they just don’t want to understand.
Thank you for a lovely succinct explanation. Kind regards, Rex in Australia.

For as many widely ranging opinions as I have seen on this subject,
my own included, it doesn’t seem like we are worried about convincing
each other of what is handcrafted, handmade, or not. Like everything
else, there are degrees, and the point, at least to me, ought to be
the ‘sole authorship’ concept. I make an original. I send it to a
caster who uses his industrial knowhow to mold and reproduce my idea
according to my instructions. I then receive these reproductions and
do any required assembly, modification on finishing work. Therefore,
these are my products. Simple? Not when government agencies get
into it, it seems. When you go to a deli, and they offer you a
sandwich on ‘homemade’ bread, are they lying? Are they within the
letter of the law? Misrepresentation? If they made the bread
there, or it was made by a local bakery, it probably wasn’t really
made in anyone’s home, unless it is a home base small scale business.
But, we all seem to get the point that this isn’t a run of the mill
sandwich on bread made in a large scale commercial bakery, mostly by
machines. Is this a fair parallel? Jim