Custom Stamps

I have plans for a line of broaches and would like to have mottos on
them. Are there any companies that do custom letter stamps?

Thank you to all the kind people who took the time to share their
on vacuum casting machines. Several brands were totally
unknown to me before they wrote. I think I’ve made a decision. I
just have to work up the courage to write the check…

Albion, CA

Hi Catherine, Putting Photoshop to work with custom stamps, eh? Great
idea! Go to

Never used this company, but I hear they’re good. Good luck!

Ren� Roberts
Little River, CA

Catherine, I have plans for a line of broaches and would like to
have mottos on them.  Are there any companies that do custom letter

You should check out:

I had a couple of stamps made, one of them a custom image of my
initials so that I could “sign” my work, the other an “18K” stamp,
both of them just 1mm high. I was very happy with their work.

Loren @Loren_S_Damewood1

Attn Catherine

Custom stamps are made by several supply houses. 46 Jewelry Supply
also provides this service. In ordere to help you we need more
from you.

  1. sizes , most common are .030" & 1/45". 2. do you need for a flat
    surface of a curved surface. 3. Are you going to use a hammer to stamp
    this or a plier or a marking machine. 4. Is it a strraight letters
    only stamp or logo. 5. Is there any outline. 6. How wide do you want
    this determined by the amount of letters etc.

Typically a 3 letter stamp with no logo sell for around $ 32.00/
Delivery time is around 3 to 4 weeks. You may call (845) 425-6315 ,
email or fax at (845) 425-9595 to get a quote on the stamp.Will be
glad to help you out.

Kenneth Singh


Harper Manufacturing has a catalog of ready-made stamps and makes
custom stamps as well.

Happy stamping!

Claire Oelkers

I have used Alpha Tool and Die in New York City (212) 869-5056, 7 W.
45th Street, New York, NY 10036

I have had several stamps made there. Logos and karat stamps. They
are a bit expensive but their stamps last a long time and are well
worth the expense. You will have to send your logo to them and they
will give you a quote to create the stamp, and their recommendations
on size etc. My first logo stamp was made back in 1992 and is still
going strong.

Good Luck!