Has anyone ever heard of a curved checkering file? Conceptually, it
seems doable; but I haven’t had any luck finding one, if it exists.
I love the coin-edge effect of the straight files, but I sure would
love to achieve the same effect on a concave curve, that would then
match up with a straight or convex section. Brilliant ideas
gratefully received.
This is just a single groove riffler. I just searched “checkering”
you will come up with pages and pages you won’t want but there are
some stock checkering tools that will layout 2 or 3 grooves. These
may work for you as some of the particularly fine English guns
used as fine as 32 lines per inch.
I have an old paper catalog here someplace that I saw a few days
ago. It should turn up when I stop looking.
I too really using checkering/florentine files… i’ve got three
various straight ones that i occasionally combine for interesting
patterns. Have you considered just heating and bending a straight
file then re-hardening it??? i’ve not done it but at 25 dollars it
may be worth an experiment… good luck