Correct filing angle off a large claw setting

Quick tip: What is the correct filing angle to finish off a large
claw diamond setting?

If you are using a Triangular file of either #2 or a #4 cut 20 cm in
length you will notice that either side has a 45 degree angle built
in. Simple? But why at this angle?..

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If you have been considering your own Blog, but haven’t yet, the

I’m a bit confused. Do you mean a 3-square file? Because 3-square
files are equilateral triangles in cross section, so all three edges
are a 60 degree angle. A file with 45 degree edges sounds more like a
barrette file.


YES, I stand corrected, you are totally right. This should have read
60 degree” angles! My humblest appologies for this oversight:
