Coloring silver

I would like to color a small portion of a silver ring design red or
as close to it as possible. I have read that barium sulfide or
ammonium sulfide will color silver to a gold or crimson color. Does
anyone know where I might obtain a small amount of either of those
chemical compounds ?

Thanks Herb

You might try Sculpt-Nouveau for their solvent dye. They can produce
any color you can imagine. Their web address is . No
connection, jjust a satisfied customer.

Harv Turner in Santa Barbara, see you in Tucson…

Note that you are applying a patina, both wear and body chemistry
may remove it in a very very short time.

Reactive Metals Studio, Inc.
PO Box 890 * 600 First North St. * Clarkdale, AZ 86324
Ph-928/634-3434 * Ph-800/876-3434 * Fax-928/634-6734