Hi – I’m a new member and pretty new to jewelry making. I have
been using a Blazer butane to solder. Obviusly there are
limitations. This week I bought a new (unopened) Bernzo-matic at
a garage sale. Could someone do a run down on safety measures for
this type of torch – checking for leaks etc. ? Your imput would
be much appreciated. Susan
Hi -- I'm a new member and pretty new to jewelry making. I have been using a Blazer butane to solder. Obviusly there are limitations. This week I bought a new (unopened) Bernzo-matic at a garage sale. Could someone do a run down on safety measures for this type of torch -- checking for leaks etc. ? Your imput would be much appreciated. Susan
Does this thing look like a plumbers torch or is it one of the
pencil point (looks like a woodburning iron) one?
What are you using as far as solder, and how large are the pieces
which you are soldering???
Yes, it looks like a plumbers torch. My concern is about leaks and
potential explosions. It is used for propane or mapp. I’m working
w silver and gold, small to medium size. Susan
Yes, it looks like a plumbers torch. My concern is about leaks and potential explosions. It is used for propane or mapp. I'm working w silver and gold, small to medium size. Susan >>
You’ll have to check the connection at the tank and the area
where you adjust the flame size. Actually, I used one of those
for almost two years before learning that I had to check
connections . . . warm water, with a bit of dish soap will find
the leaks after being brushed on with a toothbrush or similar
other kind of brush. The bubbles will show up. Tighten up
connections if you end up with a flow of bubbles (looks like a
bunch of grapes.) After tightening, check again. If they
continue to show up, switch to a different torch!
I use a presto lite, acetelene (sp?) and love it! I can solder
better than I was ever able to with the propane torches.
I just saw an ad for the Little Torch (without regulator) but
with all the tips, for $96.00 US. I wasn’t even tempted! But,
maybe I should be?