Check your ultrasonic cleaners performance

There is a “field test” that you can do to check your ultrasonic
cleaners performance. It is called the “foil test”. Simply put, you
take a piece of aluminum foil approximately 1 inch shorter than the
long axis of your tank and long enough to be able to reach about 1/2
inch from the bottom while you are holding the sheet. With the machine
running immerse the aluminum foil vertically into the tank until it is
about 1/2 inch from the bottom and not touching the ends/sides of the
tank. Time the run cycle for 30 seconds and remove the foil from the
ultrasonic. You should see a pattern of dents and /or holes evenly
distributed on the foil. If you find the pattern is asymmetrical or
non existent you have an indication that the machine is not
functioning properly and should be sent for repair. As you know Lone
Star Technical Services specializes in the repair of ultrasonic
cleaners. We use this test daily and it has proven an effective
indicator of a units function. If indeed your unit is in the 80 kHz
range you will be pleased to know that it will probably "outclean"
many of the more modern units on the market. As john states the
buzzing noise is just telling you that the machine is on and is
probably happily doing its “ultrasonic thing”. Try the foil test.

Mike & Dale
Lone Star Technical Services
The ultrasonic repair guys. “If you don’t need us today we’ll be here tomorrow”

Hello MIke and Dale

I’ve got a real old buster of a ultrasonic ! An old friend gave it to
me.He had it stacked somewhere in his basement but the oldtimer was
running pretty good.Now,the guy is gone but this machine is still
doing what it’s suppose to do,only it lookes like it’s loosing his

The critical point is … it runs on electronic lamps or
bulps,whatever it’s been called.I would like to know if those things
are still replacable or would I be better of to forget the whole deal
and replace the electronics with modern transistorized stuff.

Your advice would be very welcome. Regards Pedro

Palonso: Check if you can determine the tube “birne” number. It
should be on the side of the tube about “shoulder high”. If it is 811
or 811A or 812A you can still get tubes for replacement. I see you
are in Detuschland. It is possible that the tube is some other
designation. If it is, your best bet is to contact the closest “ham
radio” club and see if one of the members can help you find
replacement tubes. Generally speaking those old tube type units are
pretty indestructible . The problem occurs when you have to replace
the tubes. they are no longer available from your local TV repairman
and the search ends up with the ham radio club or on the internet.
Suprizingly there is a goodly supply of most of the tubes used in
older equipment, it is the search for them that can be daunting.

Hope this helps
Mike & Dale